How to Attract Leads in Less Than 24 Hours

with Troy Dean

The Agency Hour, Episode 44

Welcome to episode 44 of The Agency Hour Podcast – brought to you by Agency Mavericks. Join Troy Dean in this episode as he explores how to attract new leads for your digital agency in less than 24 hours. Yep, less than 24 hours! Listen now wherever you get your podcasts or watch on YouTube and see Troy’s shared screen to learn his exact method for fast and affordable lead generation via Facebook Ads. Don’t forget to join the Digital Mavericks Facebook group to get first access to all future episodes!

Podcast Summary  

06:59 07:52 The number 1 question we receive at Agency Mavericks

The number one question that we have from people coming into our world is, I need clients, how do I find them? If you’re a digital agency owner, you’ve probably asked yourself this question at one point in time. And if you haven’t, it might be because you’re implementing this method we’re about to share! 

07:52 13:21 – Why most people don't get leads 

Troy suspects that the problem with finding leads isn’t that they’re hard to reach! Instead, it’s that agency owners are not sure what to do with a lead once they get them. Ask yourself, are you actively doing everything you can to find new leads? Are you taking the action required to activate change, or are you expecting leads to magically appear? 

The fact is, most agency owners make excuses because theyr’e scared. They don't run any ads. They don't put up any freebies to give away. They don't do anything. They don't leave the building. They don't go to networking events. They don't comment on other people's Facebook groups. They don't do anything to try and generate leads because they don't know what to do with the leads. In this episode, Troy completely demystifies lead gen once and for all. 

13:21 19:18 – A simple post

The challenge that we all have is when we're in front of someone, what do we say that is interesting to them? How can you truly cut through the noise and truly engage an audience? Nowadays, the internet is a truly wonderful place for sparking connections and conversations. All the information (and leads) you could ever need are quite literally at your fingertips! 

As Troy mentions in this episode, there are more smartphones in the world than people… crazy, right? A simple post he shared recently on his personal Facebook about his teleprompter/Zoom set up generated many comments. One lawyer who saw the post noted that he knew other lawyers who would pay $1000 dollars for someone to implement the same set up for them! From this, Troy learned that lawyers struggle with this common problem of not being able to make effective eye contact with people via Zoom. 

19:18 24:20 – Last week on Sales Accelerator

Taking the learnings from this Facebook post, Troy does a test during a call with the members of Sales Accelerator. He uses an example of attracting the leads of lawyers for fresh website design – because most lawyer websites need updating! Instead of simply telling them they need a new website, what if you sparked a conversation by addressing a common problem they have? Like the problem of making eye contact on Zoom. Then, once you’ve established rapport and genuinely helped them fix a problem, offer your services. 

24:20 47:47– Diving into FB Ads manager

Tip: Watch the podcast video to view Troy’s screen for the exact steps! 

In this section of the podcast, Troy access his Facebook Leads Centre to share the exact steps you can use to attract new leads in less than 24 hours. He strives to test a hypothesis, and uses the lawyer/Zoom example as his test case. Here are the key points: 

  • Troy uses Facebook Leads as a way to validate whether his idea has legs. 
  • He set up an ad set for men and women aged 35-60 in the US, spending just $10 a day. 
  • His ad is a ‘Lead Generation Ad’ on Facebook, meaning you don’t need to set up a separate landing page.  
  • He uses dog whistle copy and says ‘Attention: lawyers!’ to target his ideal audience. 
  • The results were 62 leads at a cost of $4.25 per lead

Next, Troy implemented the same approach on behalf of Agency Mavericks, aiming to reach digital marketing agency owners. Here’s what happened: 

  • He uses the Paid Discovery Method (PDM) Verify to test whether his idea is worth pursuing. 
  • His copy read: Attention, web design and digital agencies, if you wanna convert new clients up to 85% read this. The world has changed and the post-pandemic business owner doesn't have time to sit through long and boring sales calls disguised as free strategy sessions. They wanna get moving and they want results. We've developed a secret method that is helping agency owners get clients to sign on way faster and getting those clients results way faster. And some of our agency clients are closing at a whopping 85%, click the button to learn more. 
  • Here are the campaign results. 26 leads at a cost of $10.94 for a name, an email and a phone number.
  • To discover Troy’s exact process, watch the full video! 

After implementing the teachings of this podcast, you’ll be able to quickly attract new leads for your digtial marketing agency. Remember: 

  • Test your hypothesis using Facebook Leads Centre.
  • You have to take action to see generate new leads.
  • Using Facebook Ads you can quickly reach your audience.    

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Discover How Agency Mavericks Could Grow Your Digital Agency 

Now that we’ve established how to find new clients fast, you may be thinking… what do I do with all of these new leads?! At Agency Mavericks, we have the courses, community, and coaching to help your agency grow. Our team can identify the gaps in your agency to help you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Whether you’re looking for support with growing a remote team, packaging your offer, enhancing your sales process, or scaling your agency to 7 or 8-figures, Agency Mavericks is here to support you evey step of the way! Book your no-obligation clarity call today! 

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Picture of Troy Dean

Troy Dean

I am the Founder of Agency Mavericks. The reason I get out of bed every day is because I love helping people to grow their web design or digital marketing businesses. I do this through coaching, creating courses, speaking, consulting and heading up our awesome community.

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