Case Study: “How We Created a Killer Sales Funnel” with Jennie Lakenan

Sales Funnel

If you’ve been following us for a while, then you’ve definitely heard of the power of the sales funnel.

For businesses with the belief and the value-driven delivery of quality products and services, a sales funnel can prove to be the next level of growth. They’re not for the faint of heart, but they can raise your high-ticket sales to epic levels.

Want to see some proof? We just love a good success story here at Agency Mavericks, so we put it out to some of our High Ticket Sales Funnel alumni.

We wanted to know what results they've seen and what they can attribute to implementing our high ticket sales funnel strategy. 

We had a chat with the lovely Jennie Lakenan, Website Consultant for Life Coaches about an extraordinary success…

A bit about Jennie…

Know of any life coaches who need a super-successful website? Jennie Lakenan is the person to make that happen. Jennie’s mission is to help life coaches build websites that match the calibre of their coaching.

“My niche is Life Coach School coaches,” Jennie says. “The LCS is a premium coaching training. Coaches get extensive training on how to coach, but also how to be online entrepreneurs. It's pretty powerful.”

Jennie completed the High Ticket Sales Funnel course with Agency Mavericks and not only was she able to accelerate her own business but she was able to build funnels for her clients to help them take their business to the next level. 

Here’s how Jennie implemented everything she learnt in the High Ticket Sales Funnel course, built a funnel for a client who then experienced some major growth in her business… and fast! 

We’ll call this client “Jane” who is a weight-loss coach:

A well-done sales funnel takes results to the next level of success Share on X

Establishing sales funnel goals

As a weight loss coach, Jane really gets the struggles that people go through when attempting to lose weight. As she says, the answers aren’t found in the body, they’re found in the brain.

There is definitely a lot of demand out there for the kind of service that Jane provides, it’s a matter of marketing herself well via her website and other channels through which she can connect with her target audience.

When Jennie sat down with Jane, she was already enjoying some success with growing her client base, but Jane wanted to ramp it up more. She established the goal of reaching $100k in revenue by the end of 2019.

This is smart – and we mean SMART. When setting goals for sales funnels or anything else, SMART goals help to keep you focused and on-track. They are “specific,” “measurable,” “attainable,” “relevant,” and “time-bound.” The goal “I will reach $100k in revenue by the end of 2019” answers all of these criteria.

We recommend that your sales funnel always begins with clear, SMART goals in-mind. This will help you to “work backwards” from the end result. It’s often easier to picture a sales funnel by working this way – from which step do they get to the goal result? And so on…

Define the target audience

Another very important factor before building out a new sales funnel is to clearly define your target audience. If you didn’t have that specified, it would be like trying to navigate without your GPS or compass. How will you know where to find people or what will appeal to them?

Jane’s target audience is defined as women who want to lose weight for the last time,” Jennie says. “They're sick and tired of yo-yo dieting.”

As far as where to find that target audience, Jane had an upcoming opportunity that they wanted to prepare a sales funnel for. “She had the opportunity to be on a very popular podcast as a guest interviewee,” Jennie says. “So, we built this funnel in prep for that opportunity, every page and every word was geared to appeal to that audience.”

Jane was selling a six-month group weight loss coaching program. The investment for the program was to be $5k, and it would be limited to ten spots. Jane and the podcast host sold this program as the call to action on the podcast episode.

So Jane was definitely selling what we’d call a “high ticket” service.

Building a sales funnel really helps to sell these high ticket items because it will lead the potential customer on a trust-building journey with you. Most people don’t click “buy now” on something they consider to be expensive, they want a bit more information and assurance that they’re buying quality.

Remember from a previous post of ours, a high-ticket sales funnel is a system that:

  • Attracts better quality leads to your high-ticket product.
  • Helps leads pre-qualify themselves.
  • Establishes a firm base of trust before you even talk to them.
  • Moves them quickly through the sale.

The funnel stages

The homepage was the URL given out on the podcast, for simplicity and from there, the funnel stages were as follows:

1.) Video

From the homepage, visitors could opt-in to watch a video about how to lose the first five pounds and keep going. It is a piece of content designed to provide value to the viewer and gain trust but to still leave them wanting more at the end.

2.) Qualify the Prospect

After watching the free video, the next step was to invite prospects to check if they qualify for Jane’s program.

One of the features of high ticket sales funnels is that you want to be selective about who you take into the program, product or service that you’re selling. Not everyone will be a good fit, so this qualification process is a good step to avoid wasting any time, for both the client and the business.

3.) Divide the Prospects

At the next step, the prospects in the funnel were divided.

If they met the criteria they would be asked to schedule a free consultation.  Once scheduled in, Janedwould sent out a video preparing them for their appointment. This is an excellent way to ensure that people do come ready if you’re offering a consultation. It also tends to help people feel a bit more confident when they know what to expect. She also sent homework to keep them engaged until the call (a quick PDF to help them visualise “future me”).

If they didn’t meet the criteria, they were directed to a page letting them know that they may not be the best fit. Their journey didn’t have to end there though. If they felt that the result was an error, there was the option to contact Jane directly and let her know why they’d be a good fit. Otherwise, there was a free offering of a video on weight loss so that they wouldn't feel they had gone through the process for nothing. 

Sales funnel results

How well did the sales funnel work?

Jane had 45 applications for the program within 24 hours after the podcast launched. She had 84 sales calls scheduled within 4 days.

That sounds huge, right?!

So much so that she, at the advice of her mentor (the podcast host), decided to offer the group on a first-come-first-serve basis to all those who had scheduled sales calls. 

Wow! How did they make that work? “We quickly created a sales and payment page to facilitate that. She sent the page out in an email with the first-come-first-served announcement,” Jennie says. “The ten spots for the program filled within two hours. That's $50k generated for her via her funnel within four days!”

As for that $100k goal? It’s fair to say Jane has smashed it, with a quarter of the year left to go. Since then, she's continued to perform sales calls and ride the wave of the podcast popularity, and opened and filled a second group program. Apparently Jane is halfway through a third group as we speak — $125k total! 

Final thoughts and lessons

Jennie explained that the funnel built for Jane played a key role in helping the warm leads to recognise the value of her program.

So what advice would Jennie offer other business owners?

I would just say that belief has got to come first. Jane trusted me and believed this strategy would work. I believed and trusted that she would make $50k from this strategy. That belief affected everything that we did in building it out. And look at the results!

And of course, join the High Ticket Sales funnel course like Jennie did so that you too can help business owners just like Jane! 


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Picture of Troy Dean

Troy Dean

I am the Founder of Agency Mavericks. The reason I get out of bed every day is because I love helping people to grow their web design or digital marketing businesses. I do this through coaching, creating courses, speaking, consulting and heading up our awesome community.

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High Ticket Sales Funnels

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