Andrew Dumont

with Andrew Dumont


In Episode 10 of the WP Elevation podcast I spoke with Andrew Dumont, business development manager at Moz and founder of the awesome Stride CRM App. Andrew gave some great insight into how Moz are growing, what growth hacking actually means, why “Guru” is a dirty word and how he balances his job at Moz and building his own app in his “spare” time.

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Win Prizes

Andrew is giving away two months of the freelancer plan of his Stride CRM app which will help you manage your deals and close more business.

Show Notes

Andrew blogs frequently on the Svbtle platform where he published this post about avoiding burnout – it. is. a. must. read. He describes himself as addicted to the startup thing.

Reach Out

You can reach out and thank Andrew on his blog site at or on his twitter at @AndrewDumont.

Suggested Guest

Andrew suggested I interview Neil Patel from KissMetrics and Ruben Gumez from Bidsketch. Boys, you’re on the list.

Competition Hint

Hint: to enter the competition, leave a comment below telling us the #1 feature you’d like to see in the Stride CRM app.

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Troy Dean

I am the Founder of Agency Mavericks. The reason I get out of bed every day is because I love helping people to grow their web design or digital marketing businesses. I do this through coaching, creating courses, speaking, consulting and heading up our awesome community.

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