Jason Schuller

with Jason Schuller


Our featured guest this week is Jason Schuller from Seattle in Washington. You may know him from press75.com or you may know him as the guy behind Leeflets or Droppplets. Or maybe you know his new project Cinematico, which is a website solution for people who have a video channel on Vimeo or YouTube and want to create a website with all their video content.

Jason has spent the last six years in the WordPress space selling premium themes and he’s learned a lot. If you’re struggling in your business because you’re doing everything yourself and you feel like you’re treading water then this episode is for you.

Jason’s got a lot of good advice on how important it is to surround yourself with other people and how important it is to let go of control so you don’t burn out.


Watch the Video

Win Prizes

We have 2 prizes this week. I'm giving away a lifetime license of the Video User Manuals plug-in! At $240 a year, that's one heck of a prize! Plus... Jason is offering a copy of Cinematico. To enter the competition, just leave a comment under this video and tell Jason the number one feature that you'd like to see in Cinematico that would make you really want to use it.

Congratulations Greg Wallace! Jason has awarded you the Cinematico prize! (June 2014)

Show Notes

Elevation Tip of the Week: this might sound a little bit New Age and self-help, but “Find your passion.”  Jason talks a lot about finding your passion and how important it is in this interview. It’s one of the reasons that he’s getting out of the WordPress space and trying to do something a little bit bigger. Here’s the thing I know about following your passion. If you’re not passionate about what you do, eventually you’ll just tire of it. You’ll run out of steam, and you won’t be able to keep up with the competition. Think about it.

Other Highlights Include:

  • Around the 13 minute mark, find what Jason does to limit his work day to just 6 hours! We all want to know this magic secret.
  • Jason lets us in on the up-and-coming WP theme niches as an alternative to focusing on already saturated markets.
  • What’s with the number 75 in press75.com?
  • The new project for Jason is Cimematico. It’s a databaseless platform based on PHP “and it’s kind of based on everything I learned doing with WordPress…You run a quick set up and then you never have to touch it again because anytime you publish a new video to YouTube or vimeo, it just automatically updates.” Find out more about his new venture after the 30 min mark.

Reach Out

You can reach out and thank Jason on Twitter @jschuller

Suggested Guest

Jason suggested I interview Mike McAlister, lead designer and developer at Array . Mike McAlister, keep your eyes on your inbox.

Competition Hint

Hint: to enter the competition, leave a comment below and tell Jason the number one feature that you’d like to see in Cinematico that would make you really want to use it.

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Troy Dean

I am the Founder of Agency Mavericks. The reason I get out of bed every day is because I love helping people to grow their web design or digital marketing businesses. I do this through coaching, creating courses, speaking, consulting and heading up our awesome community.

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