Simon Dickson

with Simon Dickson

Code for the People

In this episode, Simon Dickson from Code for the People talks us through landing big clients like The Rolling Stones and Stephen Fry, as well as why restricting yourself to WordPress and not using any other technology is a good thing.

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Win Prizes

Win a free coaching call with Troy Dean on Skype! Just tell us the best time you have spun a negative into a positive, or re-framed a situation to make a weakness a strength.

Congratulations Jenny on winning the Podcast Prize this week! August 2014

Show Notes

Show Highlights

Some of the highlights of this episode include:

  • The benefits of having a team who are local.
  • The pros and cons working for a huge name like The Rolling Stones, including the massive task of adding the back-catalogue for every album including audio preview!
  • How to land a ‘big-name’ contract.
  • What the name “Code for the People” means to Simon and his team.
  • How Code for the People pre-filter clients and attract clients who ‘get’ their philosophy and way of working. This covers some useful tips like setting a character or tone for your social media communication.
  • Look out for: Simon drops an “Easter Egg” by telling us that somewhere in the Rolling Stones website, they have re-created the original Stones website homepage. Can you find it?

Elevation Round Answers

Here are Simon’s answers to the questions in our Elevation round. Watch the interview to get the full scoop.

  1. A good accountant!
  2. Talk about old customers
  3. Compete on something else
  4. Formatting, spelling and grammar!
  5. Trello
  6. Trello and weekly show and tell
  7. Do good work
  8. Spin doctoring

Reach Out

You can reach out and thank Simon on twitter at @cftp or @simond

Suggested Guest

Simon suggested I interview Caspar Hubinger from  Casper, keep your eyes on your inbox.

Competition Hint

Hint: to enter the competition, leave a comment below and tell us about the best time you have spun a negative into a positive (or reframed a weakness into a strength).

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Troy Dean

I am the Founder of Agency Mavericks. The reason I get out of bed every day is because I love helping people to grow their web design or digital marketing businesses. I do this through coaching, creating courses, speaking, consulting and heading up our awesome community.

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