Lisa Sabin-Wilson

with Lisa Sabin-Wilson

WebDev Studios

In this episode of the podcast our special guest is Lisa Sabin-Wilson from WebDev Studios. Lisa shares the key strategies that have helped her take the leap from freelancer to partner of one of the best WordPress agencies on the planet. Scared of speaking at events or the workload of writing a book? Check out this interview and learn how Lisa used these tactics to elevate herself.

Watch the Video

Win Prizes

Win one of 3 WordPress for Dummies books by Lisa Sabin-Wilson. Tell us how you've achieved work-life balance and which book you'd like to win: WordPress for Dummies, WordPress Web Design for Dummies or WordPress All-in-One for Dummies.

Show Notes

Some of the highlights of this episode include:

  • getting asked to speak at SXSW which led to a book deal
  • how publishing a book impacted Lisa’s business
  • how drinking lots of beer at WordCamps was the catalyst for her partnership with WebDev
  • and just what is a designoveloper?

Elevation Round Answers

Here are Lisa’s answers to the questions in our Elevation round. Watch the interview to get the full scoop.

  1. communication tools
  2. go to events and write a book (put your phone call on your website)
  3. don’t care about the competition
  4. details
  5. helpscout
  6. consistent communication
  7. make it easy to get in touch
  8. find a specialty

Reach Out

You can reach out and thank Lisa on @LisaSabinWilson or WebDevStudios

Suggested Guest

Lisa suggested I interview Justin Sternberg from WebDev Studios. Justin, keep your eyes on your inbox.

Competition Hint

Hint: to enter the competition, leave a comment below and tell us how you’ve achieved work-life balance.

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Picture of Gin McInneny

Gin McInneny

Gin McInneny is head of Customer Happiness at WP Elevation. She has experience in website development, digital marketing, videography, and education. Gin brings these skills plus her unique enthusiasm to the wonderful world of WP Elevation.

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