Justin Sternberg

with Justin Sternberg

WebDev Studios

Justin Sternberg is lead developer at WebDev Studios. Their clients include Microsoft, MSNBC, Boston Magazine, LiveFyre, and TIME. Their plug-ins include BadgeOS, Custom Post Type UI and Apppresser among others. But more importantly Justin understands the value in saying “no.”

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Win Prizes

Brad Williams from WebDev Studios has donated a copy of his book Professional Design and Development for WordPress. To enter the competition tell us the kind of story you or your clients would like to tell with WordPress.

Congratulations Message Master! Justin has chosen you as the lucky winner of the competition! Thanks for your contribution and keep elevating! (January 2015).

Show Notes

Some of the highlights of this episode include:
• Why it’s important to learn how to use Google properly
• Open source your work
• Get it in writing

Elevation Round Answers
Here are the answers to the questions in our Elevation round. Watch the interview to get the full scoop.

1. Know how to Google
2. Saying “No” – frees up time
3. Say “No” more often to increase your value
4. Include what you don’t know and what is pending
5. Evernote
6. Weekly client calls and constantly updating the documentation
7. Open source your work
8. Do good work and share it


Reach Out

You can reach out and thank Justin on @jtsternberg and on his website at jtsternberg.com/.

Suggested Guest

Justin suggested I interview Curtis McHale. Curtis, keep your eyes on your inbox.

Competition Hint

Hint: to enter the competition, leave a comment below and tell us what kind of story you want to tell with WordPress, or what kind of stories your clients want to tell with WordPress.

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Troy Dean

I am the Founder of Agency Mavericks. The reason I get out of bed every day is because I love helping people to grow their web design or digital marketing businesses. I do this through coaching, creating courses, speaking, consulting and heading up our awesome community.

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The Agency Hour Podcast: Guest Application