Vito Peleg Introduces Us to His First Product: the WP Feedback Plugin

with Vito Peleg

WP Feedback plugin

Consider this episode of the WP Elevation podcast part “Meet an Elevator” and part “Ooh, look! A shiny new tool!”. You’re going to get an introduction to Vito Peleg, hear a bit about his journey from rocker to Elevator and learn all about his new WordPress plugin that’s set to revolutionise the way you collect client feedback.

Show Notes

Who Is Vito Peleg? (3:40)

At 14, Vito started playing in a band with some mates from high school in Israel. However, because there wasn’t much money in playing music, he began to build websites from the back of the tour van.

“When the band broke up, I said, ‘Let’s see how far I can get this thing to go.’”

He took a WP Elevation course, made six figures by the end of his first year, and now has an agency with a global team of 12. Vito has no intention of stopping there either.

As he’s worked on patching up the leaks in his agency, he’s developed a solution that will soon be available to the WordPress professional community. It’s a plugin called WP Feedback and he says it’s going to save you hours every week communicating with clients.

From Rocker to Elevator (7:20)

Despite being signed by two labels, putting out two albums and playing to crowds of thousands with Chase the Ace, Vito’s band eventually broke up because there wasn’t enough money it.

What’s interesting to note, however, is that Vito got involved very early on with digital marketing and sales funnels. He leveraged these tools to help his band make a profit off an album and merchandise sales.

So, although the end of his musical career was a low point, his long-time interest in and work with digital marketing eventually led him to WP Elevation. More specifically, he ran into an ad on Facebook and couldn’t help but respond to it considering how well it spoke to him.

At the time, he had a few clients, but he had no idea how to systemise his process. He also wasn’t selling WordPress care plans, so he was giving away a lot of time on phone calls and WhatsApp with clients needing help.

Once he became an Elevator, though, it changed everything.

Client Feedback: A Major Pain in the Ass (14:55)

Now that Vito’s agency is thriving, and he’s got a great team of employees all playing to their strengths, he’s had more time to consider his next move. And as he worked to solve communication issues with his own clients, a new WordPress plugin was born.

Truth be told, there are a lot of people who come onto the WP Elevation podcast and complain about what a pain in the ass it is to get client feedback. Like Kirk Deis and Andre Gagnon before him, Vito believes that problematic communication with clients doesn’t have to be an accepted part of the job.

What Does the WP Feedback Plugin Do?

Many of us have struggled in getting on the same page with clients — and sometimes it’s not because clients are overbearing and demanding. Sometimes it’s because of the tools we use.

What WP Feedback aims to do is let you and your clients have these conversations inside of WordPress. That’s right. There’s no more need to create a prototype outside of WordPress, take screenshots of it and wait for the client to try to explain what they mean when they say, “Why is that thing there?”

“I think it’s crazy we have this notion that we have to send the client somewhere else. We’re always sending them everywhere except for their website, which causes them to fear the website once we launch it. So, they never log in and never appreciate the real value of this incredible marketing resource they now have.”

Vito says that WP Feedback is not only going to remove the endless back-and-forth you have with clients, but it’s going to bring them closer to their website.

The WP Feedback Difference (18:10)

It’s not like people haven’t tried to solve this problem before, so what is it that Vito says makes the WP Feedback plugin different?

1. Backend Feedback

WP Feedback isn’t just a plugin that enables clients to log into WordPress and leave comments, questions and edits on the visual frontend of their website. They can do the same on the backend interface of WordPress.

2. It’s Fast

First of all, it’s faster for you to work this way. You no longer have to jump between tools to collect feedback, implement in the design files, then screenshot and send back to the client for review. It’s all in WordPress.

Secondly, there’s no data to load, so the plugin is lightweight and allows you to work quickly to process feedback.

3. Restructured Admin

As Vito says, “For us, the WordPress admin is second nature. However, clients don’t like it in most cases.”

Since this is going to be the first interaction most clients have with WordPress, Vito wanted to make sure the plugin gave them the very best impression of the platform. As such, the plugin provides a more basic and intuitive WordPress admin interface, much like the apps they use on a daily basis.

4. Zapier Integration

You can integrate the WP Feedback plugin with your help desk or support ticket solution through Zapier, so you never have to worry about losing track of feedback or it getting lost in one person’s inbox.

Bottom line: if you’re managing multiple projects simultaneously and find that client feedback is a huge time suck, this may be the perfect plugin to help you systemise that process.

An Inspiring Place to Be (27:00)

The WP Feedback plugin is set to launch on June 18 and Vito and his team are ready to get things moving.

“I feel confident and in control for the first time ever.”

Don’t miss the last ten minutes of this podcast where Vito talks about the joy of running a successful agency and the optimism he feels as he gets closer to launching his first predictable product. If you’re considering making major moves with your WordPress business, this inspirational story will give you a kick in the right direction.

And speaking of the right direction – if you haven’t yet joined our free training, then click here for instant access.


Reach Out

You can reach out and thank Vito Peleg by showing some love for his new plugin.

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Picture of Troy Dean

Troy Dean

I am the Founder of Agency Mavericks. The reason I get out of bed every day is because I love helping people to grow their web design or digital marketing businesses. I do this through coaching, creating courses, speaking, consulting and heading up our awesome community.

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